Handicap Parking Sign, Green--Van Accessible, (17 van access & 23 arrow signs-40 signs in total)
Handicap Parking Sign, Green--Van Accessible, (17 van access & 23 arrow signs-40 signs in total)
Green Van Accessible Parking Signs, .063 Thickness, 6 Inches x 12 Inches
(17 van access & 23 arrow signs-40 signs in total)
Green Van Accessible Parking Signs, 6 Inches x 12 Inches (17 SIGNS)
Rust-proof, lightweight Handicapped sign fabricated from rigid, reflective aluminum, specifically designed for outdoor durability. Alerts potential violators to rules and fines in Handicapped accessible parking spaces. Great for parking lots, garages, or visitor areas. Sign has two 3/8" diameter holes (top and bottom) making it easy to mount onto posts, walls, and fences.
Parking Sign, No Header, Recycled Aluminum, 6" Height, 12" Width
Technical Specs
- Item: Parking Sign
- Sign Subject Matter: Parking
- Height6"
- Width12"
- Thickness0.063"
- Sign Material: Recycled Aluminum
- Sign Mounting Style: With Mounting Holes, Top/Bottom Centered
- Header: No Header
- Legend: Arrow Pictogram
- Symbol: Arrow
- Sign Legend Text Color: White
- Sign Background Color: Blue
- Sign Shape: Rectangle
- Legend Style: Symbol
- Glow-in-the-Dark: No
- Double-Sided: No
- Retroreflective Grade: High Intensity Prismatic
- UV Resistant: Yes
- Operating Temp. Range-30 Degrees to 200 Degrees F
- Standards MUTCD, FHWA Minimum Retrore flectivity